Monday, August 13, 2012

Getting back on track

There are a lot things I do for my baby girl, the love of my life, but writing in this blog has not been one of them. Looking back I wish I had had the strength to do so. Then, when she's older, it might have been easier for her understand everything that happened and what I was going through not only for my own sanity, but for her protection as well. I often wish I was stronger....and yet I still fail to give myself credit for the strength I have had to get through some of my lowest points. When I was about 6 months pregnant, I was so lost that I planned to take all the pain killers I had left and end both her life and mine. When I look at her now, I'm happy to say that I had the strength to pull through and ditch that plan. Now, after a lot of grieving, I am ready to step up and get life back on track.

In addition to working on moving on mentally, I am working on moving on physically. I am a little leaner and a lot stronger than I was a year ago. Hoping to get into more of a permanent work out routine and keep slimming down.

Now if I could just get rid of my migraines and the will all come together! :)